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We will create a beautiful world by leading new beauty trends
in the fields of BIO, cosmetics, K-Beauty, and K-Culture.


We will create a beautiful world by leading new beauty trends
in the fields of BIO, cosmetics, K-Beauty, and K-Culture.


We will create a beautiful world by leading new beauty trends
in the fields of BIO, cosmetics, K-Beauty, and K-Culture.


We will create a beautiful world by leading new beauty trends
in the fields of BIO, cosmetics, K-Beauty, and K-Culture.

About us

We will create a beautiful world by leading new beauty trends
in the fields of BIO, cosmetics, K-Beauty, and K-Culture.


We will create a beautiful world by leading new beauty trends
in the fields of BIO, cosmetics, K-Beauty, and K-Culture.


Total 40 / Page 2
Notice 목록
No Title Date
25 2021 두바이 뷰티월드 성황리에 종료! Dubal Beauty World Middle East 2021 successful end 2021-10-14
24 코리아비앤씨 산업용 헴프 재배 실증 협력 KOREA B&C Industrial Hemp Cultivation Demonstration Cooperation 2021-09-30
23 2021 K-Lifestyle in China Beijing & Shanghai 참가 Participated in 2021 K-Lifestyle in China Beijing & Shanghai 2021-09-28
22 2021 영국 버밍엄 소비재 전시회 참가 Participated in the 2021 UK Birmingham Consumer Goods Exhibition 2021-09-17
21 2021 북미 라스베가스 코스모프로프, ASD 소비재 박람회 성황리에 종료! 2021 North America Las Vegas Cosmoprof, ASD Consumer Goods Fair successfully ended! 2021-09-14
20 [K-Sport X DIBLANC] 대한민국 펜싱 남자 사브르 대표팀 2연패 달성!! [K-Sport X DIBLANC] Korea Fencing Men's Saber National Team Achieved 2nd Consecutive Victory!! 2021-07-29
19 '디블랑' 멀티테이너 송민경과 전속모델 전격 발탁 New muse of DIBLANC, Min-kyung SONG 2021-07-07
18 '비건' 사로잡은 코리아비앤씨 억대 매출 KOREA B&C's sales that captivated "Vegan" hit hundreds of millions. 2021-06-11
17 '디블랑' 롯데백화점 입점! ‘DIBLANC’ Lotte Department Store Open!! 2021-05-04
16 '(주)코리아비앤씨' 글로벌 IP 스타기업 선정!! Selected as 'KOREA B&C' as a global IP star company!! 2021-04-15
15 디블랑 전속모델 루이스초이와 화보 촬영 진행 Photo shoot with DIBLANC's exclusive model, Louis Choi 2021-02-09
14 설 연휴 배송 안내 New Year's Holiday Shipping Deadline 2021-02-02
13 '디블랑' 경북 우수상품으로 러시아 현지 판촉행사 참가! Participated in a local promotional event in Russia as an excellent product of 'DIBLANC' in Gyeongbuk! 2021-01-26
12 디블랑 전속모델 '루이스초이' 중국 춘절만회 최종 결승전 진출! DIBLANC's exclusive model 'Louis Choi' advances to the final of the Chinese Lunar New Year Festival! 2021-01-19
11 디블랑 아리랑 TV 출연! DIBLANC Arirang TV appearance! 2021-01-18